Where is Alpaca?

by cameo-d 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • cameo-d

    I am wondering if he ever really did try "couch surfing"? I found a website about it and I wonder if it has become a real movement? http://www.couchsurfing.org/

    Have there been any reports over the past year to assure people of safety in doing this?

    Have there been any negative reports associated with couch surfing?

    Where is Alpaca? Any update on this venture?

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    I dont know where and who is Alpaca, but my friend is using couchsurfing often (actually at this moment she is as a coach surfer in India). She says its great and it works good - you can enjoy free accomodation and to meet local people wherever you travel...


  • shamus100


    My ex-roommate had one of his 'mates' come over and try it. I kicked his bum ass out after a week.

  • Alpaca

    Hey Cameo,

    Thanks for asking about me. Hope all is well with you. I am fine...I occassionally stop by the board to look at the current active topics being discussed. I have only made one post on here in the last year because I found that the excessive time I was spending on the board was not the best use of my time and energy. So far, I have not gotten around to trying the couch surfing venture, although I have seen some web sites where surfers and hosts can register and submit reviews as a way to increase the safety for both surfers and hosts.

    Another reason that I quit posting and conversing here on the board was because I always seemed to end up in debates where personal attacks overshadowed the genuine issues at hand. It was an erosive / corrosive agent in my life that needed to be replaced with more edifying stuff. Too bad, because there are lots of genuinely nice and considerate people on here (like you).

    Having said all of the above, I may stop back and join in with you guys at some future point. For right now, I am trying to get a new post-Dub career moving in the right direction.

    Cheers to you and all the other posters...especially all of the newbies...it's great to see the huge numbers of people who are waking up to the BORG's lies and deceit.


  • cameo-d

    Oh, wow! You ARE out there! Good to hear from you. Glad you are doing all right.

    Yeah, there does seem to be quite an influx of new people lately.

    I hope you will come back and participate more often. I always wonder what happens when people disappear for so long.

    I have a feeling we are going to see a lot of things happen in very fast order very soon---as far as the demise of churches and the way they will try to make a comeback with a re-structure. And Watchtower's mortar is still crumbling, so it's good when experienced folk like yourself are available to help the newly exiting get out of the way of falling bricks.

    Best of luck in your new career move.

  • RubaDub

    I don't where "where" is but my mother has a sweater I bought for her made of Alpaca "wool" and she says it is the warmest and softest thing she has ever worn. They look like a smaller version of a llama.

    Rub a Dub

  • cameo-d

    Rub a dub.."They look like a smaller version of a llama."

    Maybe it's just a bad fit on your mother!

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