Page three...there is a Joanne using 'classic' Jw terminology. I guess whoever Richard B is, he's hammered her into touch! lol
A similar dispute going on here between the same two:
by James_Slash 3 Replies latest jw friends
Page three...there is a Joanne using 'classic' Jw terminology. I guess whoever Richard B is, he's hammered her into touch! lol
A similar dispute going on here between the same two:
What? No live link? Lemme try...
There! That's better! Thanks for posting that = interesting discussion...
And - hopefully - here's the other thread live link, too...
Like Richard says... "Its ok Ana. Joanne stalks me in any thread whenever I dare to criticise the Jehovahs Witnesses...."
One would think that the idiot average JW who does this would realize that they are, in effect, 'associating' with apostates!!!!
I guess religous crusades are still alive and well in the JW folds...
I was a JW apologist on a similar site 3 years ago. Things change...