- I've BEEN reading a lot of topics lately, asking how to handle RABID JW FAMILY MEMBERS/ ELDERS TO prove 1914, 1925, 1874, Generation, blood, vaccanations pyramids. etc FALSE using only WTS PUBLICATION... WELL IT's NOT SO EASY, YOU HAVE TO HAVE KNOWLEDGE OF WTS HISTORY AND THE BIBLE. WATCHTOWER HISTORY BEING THE KEY POINT. I know many here have read RAY FRANZ'S bookS and they are great, no question. But there are DEEPER BOOKS into WTS HISTORY, REPRINTS THAT ARE AVAILALBE FOR $7- $20 That will make 99% of jw's SHIT in thier pants , I my self like love to STUMBLE THE LIVING CPAP OUT OF JW'S on the "revelation climax book," and "live forever book" using REPRINTS OF "MILLIONS NOW LIVING WILL NEVER DIE" and how every thing they were teaching at the CEDAR POINT OHIO conventions in 1919 and 1922 was forfullment of bible prophecy. FUNNY I NEVER MET ONE JW IN 40 YEARS THAT HAD ANY IDEA WHAT IS TAUGHT AS BIBLE TRUTH TODAY that was preached at the 1922 convention. So just by reading old wt books I have 99% of jw'S OVER A BARRELL. And they know it. Here is a short list of books that can help any FADER, XJW ETC handle RABID JW'S. of course 'MILLIONS NOW LIVING WILL NEVER DIE' is my favorite. " a BIBLE FOR A SCIENTIST" talks about how the WTS WORSHIPPED PYRAMIDS and 1914. " a people for his name" is an other great book going over russell, rutherFRAUD, and Knorr. "THE FOUR PRESIDENTS OF THE WATCHTOWER SOCIETY" is a great book for x jw's that want to look up older wts, and see their lies. " THE DESOLATION OF THE SANCTUARY" is a great book for learning about the early WTS infactutation with QUACK MEDICINE. aND ALL THESE AND OTHER WELL RESEARCHED books are sold on AMAZON AND LULU.COM DIRT CHEAP. and are very ACCURATE when quoting from WTS BOOKS. I'm guessing some of the more knowledgable posters can direct , many posters here which books will help them in their path to deal with themselves and jw family... rutherFRAUD
Answers for QUESTIONS about 1914 and early WTS HISTORY/ FALSE PROPHECY
by judge rutherFRAUD 3 Replies latest jw friends
judge rutherFRAUD
Where would one obtain such books? I think it would be great to have some on hand for if and when my wife decides to start questioning again.
Nathan Natas
Many of the books mentioned by Judge RutherFRAUD can be found at LULU.com. Do a search on "WATCHTOWER" and marvel at the rich bounty that will present itself.
If you sort the list by BEST SELLING, you'll see the most popular titles.
I used to find old WT books at used book stores, but I have not seen any in over 10 years. I bought an old WT book from a library, that was obviously in unread condition, for $20 once- they sold it to me. I will have to check out Lulu.com- thanks for the tip. The problem I have with JW's is that they will never admit they are wrong. When I asked them today who was still alive from the Millions now living will never die campaign, they just waffled and blubbered, uh,that is old light-