Skeptic Satire
by metatron 5 Replies latest jw friends
OOO! OOOOOO!! I like this reply the best!
"Very nice example of a strawman argument you have here. Those caricatures of the scientists are exactly how creationists apparently believe that scientists think.
After all, us sane and reasonable people understand the following:
1) That it does matter what kind of scientist, since a physicist, for example, is not competent to pronounce upon biology as that is not the subject in which they were trained. A creationist, however, would apparently call a plumber whenever their car breaks down.
2) That a real scientist would know that it's not isolation that one would look at the traits of being two-legged, having feathers or a bill or webbed feet, but that one must look at the union of of facts and how they intersect before making pompous pronouncements. Creationists are like the scientists in this story - they latch on to a single fact and claims without considering all the other facts out there, especially ones that don't support their claim.
As I said, this was a wonderful post illustrating a typical creationist tactic, that of the strawman argument. Perhaps next you could tackle the common misunderstanding by creationists on what the word "theory" means in the context of science and their common cry of "but it's only a theory!" ...."
And why the heck didn't the journalist just swim out, stab the duck/it'snotaduck with his pen and make Duckling A' l'Orange out of it???
ziddina: Well said!
Thanks, A.Fenderson, but those weren't my words... I should have quoted the poster's name, but I was in a hurry...
Or were you referring to my comments about "Duckling A' l'Orange"?? Yummmmy.....
I make good Duck A la Ronge..
Yum..Gotta find a Duck and some Oranges..
An Orange Duck would speed things up!
........................ ...OUTLAW
@ziddina: Ah, I read your post too quickly, didn't know most of it was a quote. However, duck, depending on how it's prepared, can be damnably tasty--never had the duckling a'l'orange, myself, though I feel that Thai crispy duck is devine.