I have a friend who is an elder from out of town and he told me I do have the right to see any letters the branch has sent to the congregation about my case. I always thought they tied that stuff up tight and nobody could see it. Is he right or just deluding himself that this might be a fair and upfront system?
Do we have any rights to see corespondance from the branch?
by allelsefails 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Black Sheep
Ask him to show it to you.
Any time a JW tells you something that you believe is out of order, demand to see it in writing.
Any time a JW tells you something that you believe is out of order, demand to see it in writing.
Any time a JW tells you something that you believe is out of order, demand to see it in writing.
Any time a JW tells you something that you believe is out of order, demand to see it in writing.
Any time a JW tells you something that you believe is out of order, demand to see it in writing.
Any time a JW tells you something that you believe is out of order, demand to see it in writing.
Elders have a strange ability to change what is written on paper into something different in their heads.
In the UK of course you can use the legal right to see anything written about yourself.
That really puts the wind up the elders, they have to inform the branch office of these applications.
That is how rules are made up in the congregations that appear nowhere else. You get directives of white dress shirts, no wire rimmed glasses, and so on in one region where none were actually made up. You also get directives that certain types of entertainment (or all entertainment) are banned in a congregation, where somewhere else it is not. You get zero tolerance for many items--driving around to see the Christmas lights, listening to Christmas music, or watching Christmas specials on TV are examples of this. Some congregations will impose limits on supply usage, shove pledge forms down people's throats for nothing, or make requirements that all congregation publishers need to pio-sneer or go out on certain days when no such directive exists. Of course, the actual letter is kept secret, if it even exists.
And this disunites. Suppose I am in a congregation that has zero tolerance for holiday related items, and I go to a Grand Boasting Session. There, I meet someone I might be interested in, only to have it ruined because my zero tolerance for these items is intrusive. They have a more liberal view on these items: They might be allowed to see the holiday lights, enjoy Christmas carols where they are played in public, or watch a TV show but not to play or sing Christmas songs or put up the lights themselves. Your view of zero tolerance makes you look like a tyrant, killing off whatever good might have resulted.
Any correspondance from the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger should be more than made available for viewing at request. It should be prominently posted on the announcement board. The actual copy should be placed there. People need them to make accurate decisions as to whether or not something is permissible, and if someone corrupts it, it could lead to disunity, tyranny, self-righteousness, or loss of favor in another congregation. And, they ask people to stake their lives on the accuracy of the information. If you receive a bad version, according to their own doctrines, you die.
You can only see mail sent to another recipient if they give permission. (confirmation?)
Intercepting mail to read it is a crime.
If you copy a letter sent to another person without permission, you are in breach of copyright and can be sued. I cant remember if it is the SENDER or the RECIPIENT who has copoyright.
Thanks for the responses. It didn't sound right to me, but I thought I would ask. When I was an elder I would say and do things that were "right" instead of WT policy. Probably what he was doing. I am probably facing DFing in the next 2 weeks because the BOE got a letter from the Branch pressuring them to do something about me. I have had 2 brothers "slip" and let me know that, but then backtrack a little to cover their A**.
I know the "truth" about the "truth", but I don't stop my wife from going to meetings or try to work against them in any way. For me I could not give a crap what they think of me or if they want me disfellowshipped. However I have 2 step-sons whom I love as much as my own blood who are MS. They come to my house every weekend we watch football, play board games, drink, etc.. They are the best people I know and my best friends other than my wife ... but I know they will comply with the shunning when they are ordered to. No one to blame but myself for that one, since I taught them that was right. Even tho I was misled I should have realized long ago the "truth" about the "truth". I am looking for ways to delay the decision or change the mind of the BOE. .... let me fade instead.
If things go down the way I think they will I'll post all the recordings of my meetings with the elders.
That sucks, good luck with it all.
The Watchtower (a Non-prophet Corporation) does not want anything put down in writing.
It's called the freedom of information act
Depends on the country's laws. A friend of mine made a request for such information, and the congregation secretary (his father) was instructed from the branch to "modify" the documents. Or they may destroy them when a request is made. They're a crooked bunch.