someone succeeds in finding where is shakes the doctrine of the WJ???
who finds the point. more weak of the JW?
by marcopolo 1 Replies latest jw friends
Achilles Heel is that the Bible is the inerrant word of God and the premise of their true interpretations of it.
The bible does not exist anywhere in original, uncorrupt autograph manuscript form. The only manuscripts available are later
revisions, accretions and error-ridden frauds passed off as accurate copies of uncorrupt text.
You can't derrive true interpretation from that.
The false premise of Jehovah's Witnesses is that THEY can extract THE TRUTH from a corrupt bible.
Well, the best disproof of that premise is how many times they have used scripture to set up an End Times date scenario that has always utterly failed.
Isn't it obvious they are basing their interpretations (however honestly intended) on a FALSE PREMISE?
Garbage in=Garbage Out