Normally when I come to this site, the pages are listed across the top, active topics most recent first, all the way back. All of those pages are gone. I can only see the most recent page, it's not numbered, and I can only view the first page, or first 15 or so replies. Each page takes over a minute to load, and then says done, but with errors on page. Whats going on with the site? Is it just me?
Having problems
by Heartbreaker 6 Replies latest jw friends
Just you!
you could try, internet options, and hit the delete history button which should clear your cache
Witness 007
Alot of internet demon activity has been reported on this site lately.
Clean your Registry..
Well, I'm not sure what worked, but I can tell ya what I tried, just in case anyone else experiences this issue. I restarted my computer, ran a full scan for malware or viruses, cleared the cache, and logged in with a different server (instead or IE I'm using google chrome now)
All fixed. Whew! Ya'll can start breathin again!! Thanks for the suggestions.
White Dove
It's all those spring time garage sales we've all been going to, lately. We've been passing to each other's computers without realizing what was happening