Should the Awake magazine have ceased publication, to show respect for Gods name when it was found to be misleading with regard to his promise?
by The Finger 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
No, but they should have begun to print on 2-ply.
Maybe it will cease soon, though! Too costly. People can look up on the Internet all such articles about animals, plants and earth things for 'free' with better and more information.
The Finger
When I give a promise I mean it. This magazine was published by people who claimed to be "the faithfull and discreet slave" handing out the food at the proper time. Never mind about whether Santa Claus is real and how it is a lie. This magazine was building confidence in a falsehood about God's promise "Most importantly, this magazine builds confidence in the Creator's promise of a peaceful and secure New Order before the generation that saw the events of 1914 passes away" This wasn't true by the faithfull and discreet slave own admission. Does Jehovah mind? (1 Cor.15 14,15) I personally think he does mind.
The Finger... you have a good point. But as we all know, the FDS is made up of imperfect men. The WTS apologizes for nothing. Rutherford came close when he called himself an ass. That's not quite an "I'm sorry" though.
For the most part, the publications from the WTS can be categorized as 'fiction and fantasy'. Once you realize this, then there's nothing to apologize for. They need to apologize for trying to pass it off as fact. Again, they will use the above excuse about being imperfect. This covers a multitude of sins.
Regarding the Awake! (often called the Asleep! here on JWN), I think it will cease to be published due to rising costs as well as a falling off of publishers asking for it (because there will be a decline in publishers, as well as not having the money nor the inclination to go door-to-door).
If they thought that way they never would have started publishing it, given the track record of early Watchtowers.
No, but they should have begun to print on 2-ply.
They should do the same to the watchtower as well then I might start taking them again and save myself money buying loo roll