Partakers at Memorial--WT doctrine, brief analysis

by sd-7 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • sd-7

    Memorial posts must be a dime a dozen right now, but I'm hoping this one's at least quarter-worthy.

    Jehovah's Witnesses teach that only those of the anointed, the 144,000, are entitled to partake of the bread and wine at the annual Memorial of Christ's death. Why? Because only the 144,000 are part of the 'new covenant', thus going to heaven to rule with Christ. The great crowd merely attends as 'observers' of this event.

    Is there any scripture in the Bible that refers to any group of people 'observing' the Lord's evening meal without eating it? No. Not one verse. Jesus gave his body and blood for everyone who puts faith in him, did he not? He specifically said that you must eat his flesh and drink his blood in order to have life in yourselves in John 6. Why is his direction being ignored by the Watchtower Society?

    The 144,000 are referred to as the "Israel of God". However, note that, in the upcoming Watchtower article, "One Flock, One Shepherd" in the March 15th, 2010 issue, the "great crowd" is referred to as "symbolically representing the twelve tribes of Israel" that Jesus told his apostles (and presumably by extension the 144,000) they would sit on thrones to judge. Yet, simultaneously, the "Israel of God" is, based on Revelation 5:9, 10, made up of people of all nations.

    So here's the scenario: we have an "Israel of God" made up of people who from all nations (the 144,000). You have people from all nations, however, who are referred to as the "twelve tribes of Israel" (the great crowd). Both are symbolically Israelites, by the Watchtower's own admission! Then why are both not in the new covenant, thus worthy of partaking the emblems?

    This is why I'm it possible someday this doctrine might change? I'd like to see that. But I wouldn't bet any lightsabers on it, that's for sure.

    I just couldn't help noticing the strange inconsistency there. I think I saw this point made somewhere else on the Web, I forget where. But I thought it was worthy of posting about. I'd like to partake this year, but I'd rather not make a scene; I'd rather do it in the privacy of my home if I can. (sigh) Besides, I have a feeling the early Christians probably did it more than once a year anyway. It's unlikely there was a big advertising campaign for this yearly event. The early Christians took lots of meals together, and odds are, they made sure to include the Lord's evening meal as part of their regular worship. I can't imagine Paul commenting on it if it was an annual event; otherwise, somebody told him, "Yeah, this year at the Memorial, some people were eating their meals alongside the bread and wine! It's not like it was last year." Maybe that could've happened, but...we've no way of knowing for sure, do we? The Bible doesn't specifically spell it out, that it's a once a year deal.

    Well, that's my quarter. How about you?


  • wobble

    I have posted before that my view is that Jesus was not instituting anything, not a ritual, and certainly not a separate meal from the passover.

    I believe he was encouraging them to remember him and his words, by taking the bread and wine in the style he did, but during their "love feasts" as they shared what they had in a meal together, and shared their spiritual progress and experiences.

    The ridiculously silly Jehovah's Witness ritual loses the spirit ,intention and teaching of the original, where all present partook and bonded in union with the Christ.

    The March 30th JW travesty, apart from being on the wrong date if it was a once a year thing, is very very sick.


  • sd-7

    Wrong date? What's that about?

  • SirNose586
    Wrong date? What's that about?

    Some years ago I noted that Jews celebrate seder one day earlier than the JWs do. I was a bit confused by this but ultimately paid it no mind. Since the JWs claim to adhere to Nisan 14, I always wondered why they didn't do it as the same time as the Jews. Right now all the Jews are gettin' down to Passover town!

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