I'm new here, but have been looking for a while. I'm looking for a suggestion(s). I placed the Bible Teach Book with a neighbor a couple of years back. In the meantime I went on a personal study holiday and found many things about the WTS that I never heard of. My kids are getting old enough to be taught and I wanted to confirm my beliefs. Now I can't teach them what my parents taught me. No one in my family knows what I have found out about the WTS. Yesterday my neighbor comes up to me with the Memorial invite from his door. I didn't put it there by the way. He says "hey I'd like to go to this. What time does it start?" I only spoke briefly with him about the book I placed before I "took a break" and now there is so much that I don't believe that I don't want to get him started on anything. What should I tell him?
Thanks in advance 70