do active jehovahs witnesses have a forum like we do here????? thanks....
i just have a question...
by peaches 8 Replies latest jw friends
Ummm, No. Because they can't trust each other enough to find the apostates.
No..... well yes.... .but officially no..
There are private yahoo groups, facebook groups, and a forum on beliefnet.
Officially the WTS doesn't endorse any websites not under it's immediate direction.
Basically each individual JW should find 'upbuilding association' through their local congregation, circuit and finally district..... spiritual abundant paradise and all.
they keep trying to create them on the sly.....but eventually it gets popular because all the witness folks realize how retarded and unrealistic it is to "widen out" your associations in person only and then the WTBTS has a part on some meeting or assembly about how dangerous it is because you don't REALLY know who you're talking to...blah blah blahhhhh.
so i'm sure there's probably a secret one or 20 floating around out there, but you'll never find one that's not either blatantly bashed by the brothers or at the very least "frowned upon".
I used to be on a couple different JW dating sites until one started charging money and then the other one was reamed up and down at an assembly and I felt guilty for bein on it. That one eventually started charging too. I wasn't lookin for dates, but just to meet people. I actually ended up becoming really good friends with a couple people from those sites. Of's kind of funny that now those same individuals don't want to "associate" with me online anymore because of my decision to not be a JW. Almost seems like a double standard without directly being one. *shrug* screw em.
I really really enjoy's forum e-jehovah witnesses. Very strict and hard to get on but if you can it is worth it.
Broken Promises
Originally this site started off as a site for active JWs…..
thank you very much for your answers....appreciated it....
They're not supposed to use the Internet. Which doesn't explain why the WTS has it's own website.