Johavah has a solution for animals and land space.
New System is right around the corner and there will be many new things. Johavah is making all things new.
Want a goat? And a sheep? But only space for one?
Get a GEEP.
Researchers fused a sheep embryo with a goat embryo. The resulting creature was a mosaic of goat and sheep tissue. Those parts which grew from the sheep embryo were woolly. Those which grew from the goat embryo were hairy.
Mosaics and chimeras are animals that have more than one genetically-distinct population of cells. The distinction between these two forms is quite clearly defined, although at times ignored or misused. In mosaics, the genetically different cell types all arise from a single zygote, whereas chimeras originate from more than one zygote.
Mosaics are not uncommon; in fact, roughly half of the mammals on earth are a type of mosaic. A chimera, on the other hand, is not something you're likely to come across unless you are an experimental embryologist or raise cattle.