On this April Fool's Day.....my thoughts are of my JW family member...who I deeply love. But, unfortunately....he's a fool. A fool for letting himself get suckered into joining this insideous cult.
From the very beginning, we tried to warn him. For years, we lovingly tried to open his eyes to the fact that the WTS is NOT what it claims to be: "God's true Organization"..and.."God' channel of communication of earth".
But how could we possibly compete with the WTS's indoctrination process?? Answer: we couldn't. How could we compete with the WTS's requirements?: 1) start studying with a mature member every week; 2) attend multiple meetings per week; 3) go out in field service every week; 4) study the WT & Awake magazines; 5) avoid reading anti-JW material; 6) avoid people who have left the Org; 6) avoid people who are "opposers"; 7) stop gathering with family members for Holidays; 8) believe EVERYTHING the JWs tell you.
I have come to the conclusion that nothing is going to shake my family member's faith in the WTS....UNTIL he starts to doubt & question the Organization ON HIS OWN. Perhaps then...and only then will he be open to conversations regarding the deception of the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society!