“I get a daily devotional on my BlackBerry"

by leavingwt 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • leavingwt

    Dr. Jerry A. Coyne, author, pays a compliment to President Obama, calling him an atheist. I'll let him explain. . .

    Obama is an Atheist

    Obama is a smart man, smart enough to know that unless he pretends to the trappings of faith, he has no credibility with the American people. I’ve long thought that he was an unbeliever, and this was confirmed yesterday in an interview Obama had with NBC’s Matt Lauer. I saw this on the news last night; you can read the transcript at MSNBC.

    Turning to personal matters, Lauer asked the president why he has yet to choose a regular church to attend.

    “We’ve decided for now not to join a single church. The reason is because Michelle and I have realized we are very disruptive to services,” Obama replied. “We occasionally go across the street to St. John’s, which is a church that a lot of presidents traditionally have gone to. We love the chapel up in Camp David. It’s probably our favorite place to worship because it’s just family up at Camp David. There’s a wonderful chaplain up there who does just a great job. So usually when we go to Camp David we go to church on Sundays there.”

    Obama also revealed that he avails himself of modern technology in his spiritual life. “I get a daily devotional on my BlackBerry, which is a wonderful thing,” Obama said.

    Instead of going to church in Washington he gets a daily devotional on his BlackBerry? Who is he kidding? The man’s an atheist


  • snowbird

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    Instead of going to church in Washington he gets a daily devotional on his BlackBerry? Who is he kidding? The man’s an atheist.


    You can't argue with logic like that!

    I hope it's tongue-in-cheek.


  • leavingwt
    I hope it's tongue-in-cheek.

    I think it is. Dr. Coyne is an atheist, but he's having a little fun with this post, IMHO.


  • leavingwt

    I'm waiting for someone to claim he's a Muslim atheist.

  • zombie dub
    zombie dub

    why would he pretend? I would prefer a country leader to be an atheist rather than biased by a religion. I guess the US has a different view on it?

  • BurnTheShips
    why would he pretend? I would prefer a country leader to be an atheist rather than biased by a religion.

    Atheist political leaders, of course, are thoroughly immune to bias.


  • leavingwt
    I guess the US has a different view on it?

    Atheists are EXTREMELY unpopular in America.

    Here's some data for you. . .

    Three out of four adults (75 percent) said they interpreted the crucifixion, death, burial and resurrection of Christ as literal truth. An earlier study also found that 75 percent of Americans who do not identify as born-again Christians believe Jesus literally resurrected, according to the Center for Missional Research of the North American Mission Board – the Southern Baptist Convention’s domestic mission agency.

    Although the more highly educated respondents were less likely to take the story literally, two-thirds (68 percent) of college graduates said they believe the resurrection is literally true, The Barna Group showed.

    Non-mainline Protestants were more likely to accept the resurrection as fact (95 percent) compared to mainline Protestants (83 percent) and Catholics (82 percent).

    Two-thirds of adults (65 percent) also deemed the account of prophet Daniel surviving in the lion's den as literally true. Catholics were less likely to take this biblical account at face value with only 51 percent interpreting it as literally true.

    When surveyed about Moses and the parting of the Red Sea, two out of three (64 percent) Americans took a literal view of the story. Four out of five Protestants (79 percent) and three out of five Catholics (60 percent) embrace a literal interpretation of the Red Sea account.

    Nearly two-thirds of Americans (63 percent) accept the story of David and Goliath as literal truth. While 86 percent of non-mainline Protestants take the story literally, only 68 percent of mainline Protestants and 46 percent of Catholics believe the story happened just as described in the Bible.


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Yeah he's a Communist/facist and if you rub his face the black makeup comes off!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • snowbird

    Count me in among the literal believers.


  • drwtsn32

    According to Coulter, all liberals are atheists and all atheists are liberals.

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