motherin law mixes with a molester but not her daughter .

by looloo 2 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • looloo

    this really confuses me , a few years back when i told her of my daughters abuse , she told me they have someone in the family who is a bit "funny" i asked her to explain , she said her bro inlaw had been accused of touching up her neice and older daughter in the past but her sister wanted to stay with him ! i cant believe she hadnt warned me about him till that point as we had stayed overnight with them and my kids , it appears it was all brushed under the carpet and life carried on , a few years later she takes her 16 year old daughter and her best friend to stay with him and his wife but didnt think it appropriate to take a daughter to visit her other disfllowshipped daughter , who is a wonderful wife and mother and sweet lady because it would be a bad witness to her daughters friend ! yet it was ok to take this young girl to stay over with someone who she knew "liked young girls" i wonder who the girls parents would rather their daughter visited ! its all very odd , ive come to the conclusion child abuse is only shocking to some in the org if its done by a priest !

  • alanv

    The whole religion is very mixed up. Normal feelings and relationships are often not there.

    If you think about it, any religion that can cut you off dead from your family simply because you no longer believe what they do is really one you want to avoid like the plague.

    There are many, many cases where sexual abuse has been covered up. Just go to the silent lambs website and read all the horrific stories of JW victims of abuse.

  • ziddina

    Selective blindness - or selective stupidity - caused by mind-control and the associated cognitive dissonance...

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