This morning I took my wife out for breakfast, and we ran into an old JW friend who was an elder for years.
i was slightly taken back when he approached us ( we are both DA' ed) and he started talking about the memorial,, not
"how are you, or whats new" just ramroded memorial crap, andstarted to tell us the juicy local gossip .
There was a ultra- straight PO from the Cary ILL. hall who left his wife,,, moved in with another elder and his wife,, became inactive, and ignored everyone who was a JW.
Talk about a complete mind shift !
Well, the elder who allowed him to move in was arrested last year for domestic abuse, and he actually hit a cop !
Needless to say, this elder AND his wife were DFed, and the wife -leaving PO who moved in was DFed about the same time.
I just stood there and thought to myself, "this religion really brings out the best in people".
A very surreal experience, and it helped me to realize that leaving this religion was a very good thing !