It would seem that if rape or sexual slavery is condoned by a government or de facto authority, then such persons, i.e the head or heads, of a government, or heads of "authorities" are seemingly guilty of a crime against humanity, for which they could stand trial before the court.
It would need to be proved that acts of sexual abuse were not sporadic, but part of a wide practice known to the authority and in effect, unpunished, by covering up the crime, and allowing the perpetrator/s to offend again.
The recent case in Hull, U.K is of this nature, it would need to be shown too that such cover-ups had gone on since 2002 when the International Criminal Court was set up.
I think the GB, as ultimate authority in the WT/JW organization deserve to be in the dock just as much as the Pope does, for the same reasons.
What do you think ?