There seems to be an issue behind the issue that needs addressing: does a person have the right to end their own life?
If you believe a person owns their own self, and/or their body, and hence their own life, then you probably answer "yes."
Otherwise, if you believe that the government, some deity or other, etc, owns each person's life, then you may well answer "no."
If you fall into the "yes" category above, yet you can't realize that most people who would pursue euthanasia are incapable of acquiring and administering the means of ending their own life in the least painful way possible, and that therefore, inherent in the right to end your own life is the right to seek assistance--well, realize it already! :-)
So, this seems to be the question behind the question: do you own your own life, self, and/or body?
Of course, it's possible someone believes they own their own body and euthanasia is morally wrong, or conversely that one or more deities and/or the state owns your life, self, and/or body and yet euthanasia is morally permissible--I'd personally love to hear any arguments on one of these two sides.