Bummer i wasn't home and missed it! He was very busy, as he works at home, so he didn't even take the flyer. He said at first he didn't even think it was a JW, because she said something about how they have their own Easter service, that will be on Tuesday! I"m like: WHAT? WHAT? SHe said EASTER? Are you sure? Do you think it could have been a newbie ? Or just a strategy, trying to say something that will resonate with some? i dont' know...
My husband got a Memorial Invite last Monday
by AuntBee 7 Replies latest jw experiences
no, they will never say the word 'easter'. End of story.
Yah, that's what i thought. Maybe it was an imposter. I do believe him, though. We're not quite elderly or senile yet. LOL.
I disagree with adilentone completely. Jw's certainly do lie at the doors and I would not put it past a jw to do so they look more normal. Newbies often mistake the Memorial with Easter especially if they came from mainstream Christianity, I know mine did the first year.
yes they do lie at the doors, they would not say the word 'easter'. AuntBee, was there only one or two sisters at the door? if it was only one sister at the door, it is possible that she might have said the word 'easter', but if there were two sisters at the door, it is unlikely because the other sister would have berated that sister for using the word 'easter' before going out to the next door.
Asilenttone: only one sister. Interesting you should ask that. -- I find it curious that they would even invite so many to the Memorial. For most people who have even the slightest exposure to church, seeing a 'ceremony' like that would not draw them to the JWs; many would find it very strange, and a red flag.
african GB Member
They probably did'nt have enough time to explain in details,
usually we don't stay long when we distribute invites or other pamphlets like Kingdom News,....
My daughter got an invitation stuck in her door. She said they must not have knocked, as we were all here and surely the pitbulls would have barked.
I told her it was probably a PDK...(pretend door knocker)