Actually I'm not a witness myself, but my sister is. We are both adults past 50. After reading about the April 15th change coming to the Generations pass away belief here, I mentioned it to her. Saying that it is just another example of J.W. flip flopping. Her reply--- The fact that they have to change it just shows that armageddon is actually even closer than people think!! Everything in the news in fact shows that we are living in the last days according to her. Everything is evil in the world, all the people are corrupted, and the J.W's are the only way to salvation and Eternal Life in Paradise. I am so sick of hearing this crap that I could puke. What are the chances that she will grow past this? She was hooked on the online game World of Warcraft for 4 years before getting hooked on the J.W's. The one good thing about all this is she has stopped drinking and smoking pot since joining the J.W's. Before them she was suicidal as well as Manic Depresssive. Now she takes her medication for that and has straightened out. So it's a trade off. A false belief system but stable mentally. Anyway, what are some of others opinions on this situation. Perhaps I should just sit back and see what develops?
Sister totally brainwashed!
by outlander 8 Replies latest jw friends
Well.. Does she seem happy? Do you think she will shun you if she stay in? I think those are the most important questions to ask yourself. Some - FEW! - are better suited for a cult than real life.
In respect to communicate with her - I would very much recommend 'Releasing the bonds' by Steve Hassan. It sounds like any attempt to reason with her will result in a cult answer, possible a 'OMG persecution!' and reduced communication.
I wish the best for you. Hope others will give you better advice.
I'm a sufferer of Bipolar disorder, and we can smell our own, I knew she was Manic Depressive before you even said anything. This sounds like a grandiose fantasy brought on by mania, and the WTS isn't helping matters. She sounds like she has an addictive personality as well. HOPEFULLY this will be another phase of mania, and eventually the crash will bring her down to earth. The crash, is worse then the mania however. Nothing like bone crippling depression to bring you down to earth. How long has this been going on? This doesn't seem like a typical case of cult indocrination, though. I really can't say, I was never a JW, but I can give you my thoughts from a Manic Depressive stand point.
It's been an on/off thing with her for years. She was baptised years ago as a Witness and then left for over 30 yrs. Those years were filled with 4 broken marriges, and more trouble than I can put down here. Fits of rage, ect. her friends in the witnesses saw what was happening early on and have become a support system for her. Even providing her with a generous supply of her medication, about 6 bottles full. I've seen her crash. When it happens she hates everyone and everything, even tried to kill herself once, drank a bottle of morphine! See, I live downstairs from her in a Duplex log cabin that she owns. Too make things worse we have to take turns caring for our 81yr. old mother with late stage alzheimers. I get her 3 days a week, she takes her 4. We both do medical work part time. So the situation is a bit complex.
Although I can't predict the future for your sister, I can say that being a jw tends to exacerbate existing mental illness. Unless you can reason with her on mind control, you'd be better to leave it alone and watch her carefully. Her jw friends won't be around when she comes crashing down.
Although I was one for over 60years I disagree with most everything the Witnesses teach.
However I agree with some of the experts who say that, for a minority, cult life has advantages.
For instance I would not try to "educate" some of my elderly Witness friends and relatives, I think they need the support system they have in the cult.
Maybe your sister is in the same position.
Welcome outlander
Everything is evil in the world, all the people are corrupted, and the J.W's are the only way to salvation and Eternal Life in Paradise. I am so sick of hearing this crap that I could puke.
Indeed. Maybe this might open her eyes?
John 14:6 (New International Version)
6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
It is clear JWs think Jesus is superfluous now. What are the chances that she will grow past this? She was hooked on the online game World of Warcraft for 4 years before getting hooked on the J.W's. The one good thing about all this is she has stopped drinking and smoking pot since joining the J.W's. Before them she was suicidal as well as Manic Depresssive. Now she takes her medication for that and has straightened out. So it's a trade off. A false belief system but stable mentally. Anyway, what are some of others opinions on this situation. Perhaps I should just sit back and see what develops? She has swapped one for of addiction for another as you pointed out. Unfortunately, the false belief system provides its own instabilities, just as bad as drinking and drugs. Truth will set her free but He cannot be found within the walls of the WT. Blessings, Stephen -
The fact that they have to change it means the old version is going out of date, or already is out of date. This doesn't mean it's closer than ever--if that was the case, they should have just left it alone so the few people left from 1914 would still be around when it comes. Changing the definition only allows it to be even farther away--and, since generations can now be strung like Christmas lights, it can go to infinity.
If you would like to understand HOW and WHY your sister thinks the way she does, you'll want to read the following book.
Combatting Cult Mind Control by Steve Hassan