How much of a religion's doctrine can one disavow and still consider himself a member?

by behemot 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • behemot

    It’s a good question: how much of your religion’s actions do you have to disavow before you feel comfortable just walking away from the whole damn thing altogether?

    What aspects of your faith did you eschew before you finally stepped away from it for good?


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I was thought controlled until I knew for sure that they were not supported by Holy Spirit.

    Like your Catholic, as long as I believed that core doctrine, I could excuse other shonky doctrines.



  • blondie

    The WTS sneers at other religions for the following buffet concept. The WTS just decides itself what will be on the buffet and removes ones that the "light" shines on.

    *** g02 4/22 p. 9 Is "Private Religion" the Answer? ***Clearly, in many respects private religion falls short of satisfying the spiritual needs of people. Really, how could a person reasonably expect to fill such needs by simply selecting beliefs from various traditions, as if picking the most enticing dishes at a buffet table or smorgasbord? It also seems clear that organized religion has failed to fill such needs.

  • alanv

    I think most people would say they could never completely agree with everything in their religion, which is why most witnesses stay in theirs hoping that things will be sorted out in the future.

    Problem comes when you realize that actually most of what you believe is rubbish or lies, then it is time to move on.

  • Goshawk

    with the WT$ you can disavow all the old light you want as long as it doesn't become new the current new light again.

  • Terry

    Seems to me that anybody who is convinced God is interested in them could contact Him by prayer and nobody under any circumstances could stop God from answering your prayers.

    And yet....

    It is never that simple!

    Ask yourself WHY that is the case.

    Why do we think we have to stand on one foot and rub our tummy while reciting a poem to get God to listen?

    That is what religion does for us: it heaps "requirements" upon us which separate us from our friends, loved ones and especially God.

    How? It creates a sense of personal guilt over what you aren't doing.

    The only thing worse than believing in God by yourself is saying it out loud!

    God seems to be the intellectual property of religion! They'll all but sue you for stealing God from them by not attending their rituals.

    Seriously, God has become a PRODUCT. That product is manufactured under BRAND NAMES. Each has a purchase price.

    You figure how big and expensive a God you can afford and you pull out your credit card. Presto!

    I'd frame your question differently. How little of a religion can you accept and not feel guilty?

    Where comes the guilt? Why put up with the crap?

    Why not cut out the middle man and go for God wholesale?

    That seems to be a better deal!

  • mindmelda

    None, if you're a JW. You're required to believe EVERYTHING the FDS and the GB put out as what JWs need to believe, as far as I could ever tell.

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