my own story 2

by James_Slash 8 Replies latest jw experiences

  • James_Slash


    I got up to the point where I spoke about my daughter.

    So in 2007 I was stopped from seeing my daughter by my ex-wife with the help of her good standing JW family.

    My Mother is still a JW and remains as one. We both suffered lies and slander perpretrated by this family which continues to this day. In late 2007 I was cleared of any wrong doing and I retained a relationship with my daughter. Against my wishes, my Mother contacted the Bethel with regard to the slander and lies that had been told. I had already reached the conclusion that the Bethel were corrupt and do not follow the teachings of the bible so I wasn't expecting much from them. They didn't disappoint. They wrote back with the idea that in order for my Mother to feel better then she needed to focus on improving her own spirituality.

    If it hadn't already, I guess the above made my decision to completely leave the faith for good. I couldn't see how I could attend meetings and conventions crossing paths with my ex-wifes family in this so-called 'United Brotherhood'.

    I still retain 2-3 JW friends but as my research grows and my distrust of anything 'Jehovahs Witness' then I can't see this continuing for much longer. Since 2008 I launched into a new relationship with my current partner and now we live together and have a 6 month old son and I am so much happier in myself and not having to live a lie.

    Recently I met up with the Elder I spoke about in part one. He still seems disappointed that I have decided to turn my back on the faith. He doesn't seem to understand my reasonings, but it goes a lot deeper than the issues that I have outlined above.

    I feel extremely uncomfortable about the constant policy changes with regard to the blood issue and generation and that doesn't include how difficult it is to comprehend the damage that has been done to victims of paedophilia in the religion. There is also the issue with the UN collaboration.

    I also felt uncomfortable by the actions of many people. Many who I know still knock doors but are fornicators and drunkards. Elders children are protected by their Fathers position when it comes to wrongdoing or public reproof. What ever happened to keeping the congregation clean?

    In summary, I am delighted that I am free of this evil cancer. Unfortunately, like many the JW thought process still plagues me and it will take me a long time to recover from this. I am 30 now and I live with the nightmare of my brainwashed past every day.

    This is why I am so concerned for my daughter. My ex-wife has since moved away from her family and she has a new partner and has stayed away from the JW faith. However, on occasions my daughter has raised things that she could have only learnt in the KH. This petrifies me. I have told my ex-wife that I don't feel comfortable with her being involved whatsoever and I think she has taken this on board.

    It is strange, but when I meet with any of my old JW friends, it seems a million miles away from where I am now. I actually pity them. Yet, they still try to convince me to give up my life and return to the faith. It will never happen. I have sacrificed far too much for a faith which believes in condoning wrongdoing, moving goalposts and treating the underprivileged like dirt.

    I'm sorry if I've rambled on here but I really wanted to tell people that there is a way out if you want it. Its all about analysing the JWs for what they are actually about and you'll know if it is right or not.

  • rockmehardplace

    "Elders children are protected by their Fathers position when it comes to wrongdoing or public reproof. What ever happened to keeping the congregation clean?"

    James_Slash - thank you for sharing. the comment you made about elder's children is so true. my wife's family is going through that right now. for an organization that boasts it does not participate in politics, it sure does have its own system internally.

  • Chalam

    Thanks for part 2, it did not disappoint :)

    In summary, I am delighted that I am free of this evil cancer. Unfortunately, like many the JW thought process still plagues me and it will take me a long time to recover from this. I am 30 now and I live with the nightmare of my brainwashed past every day.

    This is a common issue. Some seem to gain immense liberty after cutting of ties with the WT. For others, the condemnation and depression sometimes really kick in on leaving.

    Personally, I believe this

    John 8:32 (New International Version)

    32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

    It works on many levels. The truth is the WT are liars and deceivers. The UN and doctrinal cover ups more than clarify that.

    However, it also works on a personal and spiritual level. Many who have long left the WT are still bound by the chains they received over the decades and no amount of reasoning frees them. For me, Jesus is THE truth, THE liberator, the Redeemer Isaiah 61



  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Welcome and thank you for sharing your story .

    Every time I hear another experience like yours it just reaffirms for me this is a wide spread cancer and not just a few imperfect men behaving wrongly (as they would have you believe )

  • dgp


  • Lozhasleft

    Thanks for sharing your experiences ...I remember seeing so many good men held back while others were 'made up' seemingly against bible qualifications....and the worse of it was that while they tried to deal with the rejection over and over they were told that if it upset them it meant they had wrong motives!! and then along would come another WT urging them to 'reach out' yet very cruel and insulting for grown men doing their best.... all the best to you with you new family ...

    Loz x

  • jamiebowers

    It's interesting that a "fatherless" boy was passed up for promotion. Just goes to show that it's a good 'ol boys club.

  • peaches

    hello.....nice to meet you

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Hi James, nice to meet you.

    Do yourself and your daughter a favour. Get Teach-Your-Child-How-Think. I am sure you will both benefit from it. It would be very difficult to know how to use these techniques and be a high control cult member.

    Maybe give your daughter a copy to take home. It is probably available in your local library if you want a preview.



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