A good friend of mine gave his first public talk Sunday.
After much prodding, I decided to attend the meeting.
The WT Study on Sunday (as Blondie commented on so well) was more mindless drivel about total obedience to Jehovah the elders and the governing body.
Two comments struck me - on paragraph 4, the WT conductor asked a specific question on this statement:
And there have always been some individuals who chose to subject themselves to God, even though they were
living in a world ruled by God's great Adversary.
An elder in the congregation commented "Obedience to Jehovah and subjection to him is following the direction of the elders and the governing body."
And of course, paragraph 15 was a peach......
Do I fully recognize the responsibilities that I should shoulder within the
Christian congregation? Am I properly supporting Jehovah's way of governing? Am I proud to be a subject of
Jehovah's ruling Kingdom? Am I determined to continue telling others about God's Kingdom to the extent that I
reasonably can?' As a group, we willingly submit ourselves to the direction given by the Governing Body and cooperate
with the appointed elders in the congregations.