Thinking about when you were a lurker, or when you first started to post...what were the topics that made the greatest impression on you toward realizing the lies, manipulation, and hipocracy of the WatchTower? What information found here sealed the deal for you that your suspicions had been correct? Is there a thread that really opened your eyes?
If there was one (maybe 2) threads that you would absolutely want a newbie to read...what would they be? If you can, please link the threads here for them.
What are the most important issues that someone sitting on the fence would be interested in? Or a new study that has decided to investigate the religion?
Threads about "the blood issue" flip-flops and changes? The UN scandal? Legalisms--how to sidestep a JC or other ways of dealing with it; repercussions of DA and DF? Exposing the mind control tactics they use? The loneliness of being shunned? Threads of triumph---getting over it?
Gift a newbie with your "best thread" suggestion and give a short synopsis of the subject matter with the link.