Weed and Seed
"God" is Already "Cleaning Up" and the New System Framework is Established
by cameo-d 9 Replies latest jw friends
Then just add manure, a whole new thing.
What I wrote above is a program that has slowly and silently been progressing over the past twenty years. Certain areas are being "weeded" of their bad elements and non-profits are being established in these areas to cater to specific groups. A lot of the bail out money has gone from the banks to the non-profit orgs. to build their specific community service/goal.
It's really fascinating once you dig a little bit and see the big picture of what is happening and what will soon take place with this.
First, many people lose their homes and jobs by Divine Orchestration *cough cough*.
Then, as people turn to the streets, Divine Providence sets up mega tent cities for them, all over the country. They come to depend on religious charities.
Then, they are cherry picked as a work force and as to who is "deserving". Then, eventually they get relocated to a faith based program.
It really looks like a workable solution in spite of it being faith based. It is amazing.
Programs like this one are springing up everywhere......
With unemployment and food insecurity on the rise, this Summit is a call to action for Pacific Northwest faith communities to examine and reshape programs, move beyond charity, and look anew at wellness and sustainability. Learn from Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon (EMO) and partnering faith communities developing models to build food sovereignty.
Access to food is a human right. Congregations have critical resources – land, kitchens, parking lots and volunteers – that can offer solutions to families struggling to feed themselves. With a little inspiration and technical assistance, faith communities can become vital players in overhauling the food system.
Black Agriculture in the 21st Century will embrace the wisdom in the "Holy Books" and restablish collective and cooperative "Garden of Eden" in our communities.
Early morning Black Farmers will rise from the grave and spread the holy spirit through fresh fruits and vegetables, land conservation and energy production.
Faith Based Vegetarianism in the Works?
"consider the case of Matthew Scully, senior speechwriter for President Bush, who left the Bush administration to promote his new book, Dominion, which eloquently argues the case for veganism and animal rights on conservative and even religious grounds."
I think most of you will be able to relate to this website. It is all laid out for you how to convert people over to vegetarianism using social issues and bible scripture. So much like d2d dialogue. Example:
Maybe this is why you were discouraged from attaining a "worldly education".
Farm Based Education Association
The new wave of educators will focus on sustainable agriculture, reducing your carbon footprint, new dietary habits, ecology, etc.
Why do they call it new "system"??? That has always been such a buzz word. Maybe this is why:
Most of us were not taught in school to “think about systems.” Traditional schooling has tended to separate the material world from the social world, reinforcing the notion that knowledge is made up of many unrelated parts.
The old will become new again. Get ready for compost toilets!
Old ideas are new again! Compost toilets!
See something that needs doing in your community? Here's a new start-up org. (March 25, 2010)
Carry Your Cross will offer young adults the chance to identify a need in their community, and then design a service project to meet it, D'Ovidio said. He said he did not want these projects to be "boilerplate, go serve food at a mission [projects] ... but we want to see projects with some kind of longevity." D'Ovidio said students would be required to interact over a long period with the people they choose to serve.
There is a Farm for everything!
Drug and Alcohol Rehab Farms
Retirement Farms
Farms for people with autism....
I think the new buzz word will be Farms!
People will go back to living in clan-type communities. People will be herded into groups with like minded interests, work type, or special needs.
When everything you need is within a small area, when you work, live and socialize within a very limited range...it promotes eco consciousness. JWs have always wondered "will we have cars in the new system". This seems to answer that question. You won't need them. Everything will be within walking distance. Solves the carbon footprint problem. Green initiatives, you know. Healing the planet, etc. The Green Man has spoken.
BUT WAIT!....There's more!!!
Since most of you have not been on "the outside" you might not know this. Are you aware of the changes this new sovereignty will bring?
Have you heard of the new "Covenant Living" or the "Brotherly Agreement" type of new arrangements?
It is some kind of pledge that some congregations now ask of their members. It is voluntary, of course. But if you want to participate in the programs......
These contracts state that you will abide by the decisions made by the board and that you agree to be governed by the enactments they put forth. It also states that it is a privelige---(yes, I have seen that exact word used here) to financially support their needs.
Oh, yeah, and that you agree to faithfully attend services.
At least it's all above board and disclosed. You know what the heck you are signing.