Birthdays and Marriages

by zombie dub 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • zombie dub
    zombie dub

    Found an interesting page on marriage today:

    Rings - pagan
    Veil - ward off evil spirits
    Bridesmaids - confuse evil spirits
    Bouquet/flowers - ward off evil spirits
    Attendants - confuse evil spirits
    Cake - pagan
    Bride stand on the left - from when brides were kidnapped
    Honeymoon - either pagan or from when brides were kidnapped

    Funny how most JWs I know love weddings and make a big thing of anniversaries - but birthdays, woo well candles had a pagan origin - clearly wrong!

    The other reasoning about how the bible only speaks of birthdays in a negative light is rubbish too as it mentions Job and Abraham celebrating their kids birthdays too.

  • teel

    Don't stumble me you zombie, don't you know those rituals have lost its original pagan meaning? But everyone knows on birthdays someone always dies, and candles are just the tools of the devil.

  • babygirl30

    That is something I have ALWAYS wondered - WHERE did the whole 'idea' of NOT celebrating birthdays come from? Never made any sense to me. I respect the fact taht JTB lost his head on a birthday, and some other story in the Bible about a birthday where someone died...but does that suddenly make birthdays a solemn holiday we aren't to celebrate???

  • LittleSister

    Just more of the GB picking anf choosing which hoops to make JWs jump through.

    How they must have laughed.

  • Girlie

    Interesting article. Thanks for sharing.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Not that I wish evil on anyone, but if he was going to lose his head anyway, I wish it was discovered that John the Baptist was beheaded at the Kingdom Hall or at a Circuit Assembly. What would they do then?

  • OnTheWayOut


  • WTWizard

    Can they prove, using the Bible, that the Bible bashed celebrating Jesus' birthday? There was an account--Luke 2:10-14. Here, perfect angels are celebrating the First Noel--Christmas. I challenge anyone to find Scriptural proof that those angels were righteous until that incident, and thereafter became demons.

  • Simon Morley
    Simon Morley

    Ahh but R&F will say the following:

    Rings - pagan, -But the meaining is lost in antiquity
    Veil - ward off evil spirits-But the meaining is lost in antiquity
    Bridesmaids - confuse evil spirits-But the meaining is lost in antiquity
    Bouquet/flowers - ward off evil spirits-But the meaining is lost in antiquity
    Attendants - confuse evil spirits-But the meaining is lost in antiquity
    Cake - pagan, symbolic of fertility, cutting symbolic of gift of virginity - But the meaining is lost in antiquity
    Bride stand on the left - from when brides were kidnapped-But the meaining is lost in antiquity
    Honeymoon - pagan - sent with mead to sustain and belss fertilityBut the meaining is lost in antiquity

    Birthday Cake & candles pagan!!pagan!!pagan!! related to the Greek goddess Artemis, whose birthday was celebrated with moon-shaped honey cakes topped with candles - lost in antiquity but raised to dizzy heights by JW's. The reason it does not show up in the bible? Birthdays are a realtively new phenomena around the 18th century in popular culture.

    Real reason: like Xmas, Easter, New Year, Mothers day, Fathers Day, Velentine's, etc - $$$$ not going into the pockets of WTBT$.

  • straightshooter

    Also the WTS states that God originally married Adam and Eve and it is therefore a God provided ceremony. But God never celebrated a birthday.


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