Can some one help me?

by Strider Arekksu 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Strider Arekksu
    Strider Arekksu

    Hi, after my grandma past who was in this religion, I was an idiot, and I stayed in the religion as I thought it was the only way to see her again. My dad stressed because he was inactive but busy supporting our family.She was faithful to the religion, becase like Saul she thought she was doing the right thing.

    Being "black" it was hard for us to support the house we bought in the suburban area. The dead beat jobs that I could get after high school were not acceptable to me, and I would surely lose my patience with people espeically if I hated the job and was getting paid near minimum wage. Fortunately due to my intelligence I had the chance to go to university. I love to learn, so I do well in class, its great. Of course the organized form of the modern day Pharisees looked down on me, but only subtly. Inside I was always mad, they were white, had bussinesses didn't have to worry about being in debt or any of that. They could go out in service in peace. I on the other hand, could only do what I could. Eventually I just couldn't afford to go out in service, on top of this, I felt it was a fruitless endeavor.

    In school I took a lot of classes that exposed me to history and religion through art, and I became facisnated with it. Eventually one of my prof. brought up the fact that the Jesus that was painted white was incorrect and just a reflection of the people who created the paintings, peice etc. I looked into it more.

    At first I learned that he was middle eastern, then I learned that the middle east known of today was non-existent and was part of Africa earlier in history, I then researched further and found out that the arabs were actually invaders of the land. I eventually came to the evidence of the nation of Isereal being mostly Ethopian in origin. I read the Scriptures where they were confused with Egyptains among other scriptures. On top of this, research brought me to Dueteronomy 4 and Dueteronomy 28 describining all the curses that fell on the nation of isereal, one of them said that the nation of isreal would be taken into egypt agian by ship and taken to many nations of the lands where their quantity would be dropped signifigantly, this would be the only sign of their heritage as they would be labled other names and be the lowest race of the earth. In the book of Enoch I read a prophecy that said that the Iserealites' decendants would complain about slaving and gaining nothing from it, but the rulers would neither care, or feel responsible for it. At first it was hard to believe, but all the prophets spoke of it, I knew I was a decendant of the hebrew iserealites. I learned how if we opened our eyes to what our ancestors had done and turned back, God would promise to call us back to our true home after Jesus comes to clean up. I cried harder than I had cried in my life. This was it. I prayed and promised to study the Bible vigrously. Many things became clear, more clear than when I was listening to the WTS babel. I eventually came to the conclusion that no officially established religion on the planet at this current time is correct. One thing was for sure, I needed to get the HELL out of the WTS before I made my situation worse.

    I wondered why the wathctower society would fill their publications with the incorrect color of the isrealites. I figured that if they claimed they were the truth they would want to be as accurate as they could with the everything. Yet they obviously failed to do it. I got even angrier when they basically ignored half of the propecies given in the Bible in relaitons to the condition of the true Isrealites, which in effect caused their WHOLE belief system to fall to peices. In an outragge I prepared to leave the org as soon as I could (setting the date for May). My sister who is only 16 is not extermely religious or as adamant about it as me, my mom has no interest in jws and my dad is inactive like I said. I came to them one morning and explained our origin and tried to explain that the WTS was lying, they didn't get it (mom didn't seem to care either way). My sister freaked out and complained about our dead grandma that served this stupid brainwashing org. my dad said that that would imply that she served for nothing. I said no, and that God would see in her heart that she was serving in truth, truly believng she was doing the right thing. But he is not getting it. Neither of them are brainwashed, but its the fact that they think our grandma wasted her life. I don't know what to do, I DON'T want my family in this religion anymore, I want to protect them from lies, I want to read JUST the Bible with them on the Sabaath (as the 1st centurey Christains still noted) and go to the library if we have trouble with something, its the best we can do in this world right now. All I think of is poiting them to Saul, God had mercy on a former PERSCUTER of Chrits who thought he was doing right, surely he will have mercy a woman who thought she was doing right and preaching as well... *SIGH* man this sucks... I also am in class with a witness, I don't want drama with this guy, so I'm just going to dissasociate this summer if I can get my family to see.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    I have a grandmother who was the matriarch of my mother’s side of the family, who brought her family up to be JWs, so I can relate….

    First, thank your lucky stars that your family are so blasé about you leaving the JWs. At least you don’t have to deal with family shunning etc.

    Second, was your grandmother happy as a JW? Did it give her comfort and security? Did it help her live a good life?

    If the answers are yes, then I wouldn’t consider her life “wasted” any more than if she’d been a Catholic or whatever. Maybe she had some regrets, but who doesn’t at the end of their life?

    If you believe in the Bible’s promise of life after death, then you can be assured you’ll see your grandmother again. I don’t think God cares what brand of religion a person is, it’s how they lived their life that counts.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Don't DA, there is no need to. It is like encouraging people with delusions of grandeur to believe that they have some sort of authority.

    Inactive doesn't automatically equal mentally free. If they are still under the illusion that the Watchtower even might have been selected by Jesus in 1919, you will have difficulty telling them anything contrary to WT doctrine, so work on that first.

    Rather than try to tell them things that they would rather not hear, use questions to get them thinking.



  • Chalam

    Welcome Strider Arekksu!

    An interesting read, thanks for posting :)

    You have come to the place where you have discovered that the WT is not "the way the truth and the life".

    Most scholars agree that Jesus was likely darker that the west depicts Him. However, He is likely less Japanese than those from Japan depict Him etc.

    Race is not important in the Kingdom (see verse 12), but Jesus is paramount.

    Romans 10:9-13 (New International Version)

    9 That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. 11 As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." 12 For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, 13 for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."

    Here's some more chapters for you Romans 3, Romans 4, 1 Corinthians 7 , Galatians 2, Galatians 5, Galatians 6, Colossians 2

    This sums it up

    Colossians 3:11 (New International Version)

    11 Here there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.

    And this

    Hebrews 8:13 (New International Version)

    13 By calling this covenant "new," he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and aging will soon disappear.



  • Strider Arekksu
    Strider Arekksu

    The new covenant is a more merciful version of the old and is also given to the Gentiles, they are limited in entering but scriptures says that their reward will be even greater than even ours. In Ezekiel 16: 59 since we broke the convenant we were punished. When we were scattered and destroyed throuought the lands we were receiving punishment, when Jesus returns it says at Ezekeil 32-44 that he will gather us and it will be like the Egypt thing all over again, only this time he pleads to us and we are FORCED into the new covenant, the choice is the covenant or death. No other race is going to have to expereince this because at Amos 3: 2 "You only have I chosen of all the families of the earth; therefore I will PUNISH you for all your sins." The organization god speaks of is the God head, the father and the son jesus, then the angels, then it was to be the isrealites then they were to spread the truth to the gentile nations. This is the organization god set up, it is not current now but will be in the new kingdom, thus proving that the WTS are filthy liars and brainwashing people, there is no literal man made group or organization of god on the planet right now.

    100 of millions of us died during the Slave trade, so badly that sharks literally followed the ships and it didn't end there, as when we brought to the respective nations it would only get worse, we were hung for fun which in the scriptures is the signification of a CURSE. Just death after death, for pointless reasons. The book of Enoch says that we were OVERkilled, so much to the point that the people held accountable for breaking the killing limits he set will be thrown into the lake of fire at judegment time. We lost our names, our identity, our wives our kids, our history, and even now I can't even walk anywhere without being negatively noticed, I am an astonishment, just as the scriptures said, it doesn't matter what country I run to. And we never got anything as far as reparations are concerned, ALL OTHER RACES after this point that were done wrong and even lost wars were given some kind of reparation. But not the "blacks" they got nothing, and when they brought it up to the rulers, they simply didn't care, actually no one does, I remember when I was in history class in university and debating about it, they didn't care simply making illogical conclusions. I thought that the people were literally crazy for not understanding the situation, only recently did I begin to understand that we don't get anything because it is a punishment.

    In the book of Enoch this verse litearlly made me cry.

    “In the days of our need we have endured
    labor, and have seen all need, and have met much evil, and have been injured and
    diminished, and our spirit has become small. 10. We have been destroyed, and there was
    none to help us; with word and deed we were incapable, and attained to nothing whatever;
    we were tortured and destroyed, and did not hope to see life, day by day. 11. We hoped to
    be the head, and were the tail; we labored exceedingly, and did not gain by our labor; we
    became food for sinners, and the unjust laid their yoke heavily upon us. 12. Those who hated
    and those who beat us became our rulers; and we bent our neck to our haters, and they did
    not pity us. 13. And we desired to go from them in order to flee and to rest, but we did not
    find whither to flee and to save ourselves from them. 14. We complained to the rulers in our
    trouble and in our pain over those who devoured us; but they did not attend to our cry, and
    did not wish to hear our voice. 15. And they helped those who robbed and devoured us, and
    those who diminished us, and they made secret their oppression, so that they did not remove
    their yoke from us, but devoured us and scattered us and murdered us; and they kept secret
    our murder, and did not think of it that they had lifted up their hands against us.”

  • peaches

    welcome here.....peaches

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Do you seriously believe that black people are “cursed”?

  • moshe

    Dna testing of Jews living today shows they are different from Black Africans, but that doesn't tell us the skin color of people living 2000-3000 years ago. The Samaritans who live in Israel are an insular group who don't marry outsiders and they might give us a hint what the Jews of the 1st century looked like.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Biologically speaking, we are all Africans in one form or another.

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