I keep reading about it on this site, but I don't know what it is about, and I don't know where to look on the Internet to find reasonably accurate information.
What is the deal with the ORG, and the U.N?
by its_me! 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Here is what JW Facts has to say about it:
Here is what one JW Apologist has to say:
Wow, that all kind of made me sick. The biggest part that made me ill would be the apologist's name calling and mud slinging. It is like political mud slinging in an election campaign.
I am now more convinced than ever, that the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is not an Org. that is solely backed by God.
I am so infuriated! I feel as if I have been taken for a fool all of my life, and it is true, I have!
it's_me, trust me there are many, many of us that feel the same way. Personally I realized something was wrong and I was able to fade away
It was after the onset of the internet that I really found out what their history was.
If you want a good book to read try Crisis Of Conscaence by ex governing body member Ray Franz. It is very, very good an honest. Not bitter at all. You can download it as well which is great.
This is the Apologist's effort to exculpate the Watchtower from wrongdoing. It looks to me like they were a little bit pregnant!
Christendom has regularly been condemned for its involvement with the United Nations, being pictured as the Harlot that rides on the back of this prophetic scarlet beast.
- "Such dwellers on earth wondered admiringly at the revived scarlet wild beast. Much reliance was placed in its ability to be a power for world peace and security. Great expectations were held out for it, and it was given designations that were really blasphemous from the standpoint of the Holy Bible. How so? In that to this “wild beast” powers were ascribed and tasks were assigned that really belong to God’s kingdom and its Messiah or its Christ. Back in 1919 the scarlet League of Nations had been seriously called “the political expression of the Kingdom of God on earth.” And now the United Nations, the successor of that League, has been called the best means for peace, yes, even more than that, the “last hope for peace.” So today we can see in actuality what the apostle John saw in symbol, that that scarlet-colored wild beast is “full of blasphemous names.” Those expressions of admiration for it turn false religionists, not to the worship of Jehovah God the Creator, but to idolatry of a man-made creation, the worship of a political image, the worship of an international organization for world peace and security.—Rev. 17:3." Watchtower 1963 November 15 p.697
Babylon The Great Has Fallen! — God’s Kingdom Rules (1963) p.577
“The United Nations is actually a worldly confederacy against Jehovah God and his dedicated Witnesses on earth.” Watchtower 1987 September 1 p.20As late as the 1991 June 1 p.17 issue of the Watchtower Christendom was condemned for its involvement with the United Nations
- “If Christendom had sought peace with Jehovah’s King, Jesus Christ, then she would have avoided the coming flash flood.—Compare Luke 19:42-44. 10 However, she has not done so. Instead, in her quest for peace and security, she insinuates herself into the favor of the political leaders of the nations—this despite the Bible’s warning that friendship with the world is enmity with God. (James 4:4) Moreover, in 1919 she strongly advocated the League of Nations as man’s best hope for peace. Since 1945 she has put her hope in the United Nations. (Compare Revelation 17:3, 11.) How extensive is her involvement with this organization? 11 A recent book gives an idea when it states: “No less than twenty-four Catholic organizations are represented at the UN. Several of the world’s religious leaders have visited the international organization. Most memorable were the visits of His Holiness Pope Paul VI during the General Assembly in 1965 and of Pope John Paul II in 1979. Many religions have special invocations, prayers, hymns and services for the United Nations. The most important examples are those of the Catholic, the Unitarian-Universalist, the Baptist and the Bahai faiths.”
In addition to all the wonderful presentations and comments above ...... you can also look back at JWD's poster's responses when it was happening!
I remember that day/week like it was YESTERDAY....
Here is the link to the 'Best of' WTS/UN
I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that the WTS is still participating in UN affliated events like Agenda21! It also is currently a NGO to the OSCE, which is paramilitary in nature.
Bookmarked. Thanks for posting that apologist's bizarre "explanation" chart, Terry.
It's Me, I know just how you feel. I had been out for two whole decades, and discovering this about the Watchtower and the UN absolutely rocked my world.
This discovery of yours is a good thing.
Blatant hypocrisy at the corporate level of the WTS.
Especially when you read the form for application as a NGO.