Would you need worship...think about it, you're God what would you need of worship...You made life isn't that enough, did you make it to grovel upon the earth seeking your approval ready to spite it at any infraction to demand of it total loyality or destroy it at your whim because it didn't meet to your approval...why would you create it in the first place why would you need it...
IF you were God...
by zeroday* 8 Replies latest jw friends
I agree - if I were God - i would not need people "grovelling to my majesty" Manhunter?
Very good point. I kinda makes you think that many people who believe in God, were they to ever genuinely explore this question themselves and still believe in God afterwards, would either have very poor imaginations about what it would mean to be God, or they find some perverse thrill in imagining that he's every bit as petty as they themselves are.
Penn and Teller have assured me that there is no God. Why? Because it takes the average male 2 minutes to reach orgasm and 20 minutes for the average woman.
At any rate, if I were God, I would level the playing field so that everyone could party by the same clock.
If there is a God, what an Almighty sense of humor he must have.
If I were God...well, first of all, I'd get me a really nice car...and...
Nah, if God is as amazing as people say, he doesn't need us....we need him.
I doubt he's all lonely and needs wuv from humans. Snap of the fingers and a whole new bunch of little heavenly buddies to hang out with or a new solar system to play with.
I think God does want our worship - but -I think his idea of worship is that we love one another and do good to one another.
He seemed to care more that we are right with one another, than that we go into a temple and worship in that manner. (Matthew 5: 23-24 - If you are offering your gift at the alter and remember that your brother has something against you... first go and be reconciled to your brother then come and offer your gift.)
And the laws He gave us were for our good, not for some need to be worshipped. (Mark 2:27 - The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.)
Also Psalm 40:6 describes His idea of 'fasting.'
If I were God I'd be wondering where the hell I came from.
If I were God I'd stop "resting" and get back to work!
"Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones." - Marcus Aurelius
If I were God I'd think I made a pretty big mess of things. And why'd I put those leg bones in whales anyways?