As a former JW do you feel you fall into this if you still believe in Christianity? To me it seems it comes down to the Trinity and whether you accept it or not and I believe that was one thing Pastor Russell was against. Can the Archangel Michael be a life giveing spirit?
Luke 17:1-2 ?
by The Finger 4 Replies latest watchtower bible
don't see the connection to the trinity in those versus.
what it does tell me is: it's bad enough that we are born sinners and doomed but on top of that we have to pay for other people's sins like they don't make their own decisions, what crap!
As a former JW do you feel you fall into this if you still believe in Christianity? To me it seems it comes down to the Trinity and whether you accept it or not and I believe that was one thing Pastor Russell was against. Can the Archangel Michael be a life giveing spirit?
Posting scripture (NWT) for furthering of discussion:
(Luke 17:1-2) 17 Then he said to his disciples: “It is unavoidable that causes for stumbling should come. Nevertheless, woe to the one through whom they come! 2 It would be of more advantage to him if a millstone were suspended from his neck and he were thrown into the sea than for him to stumble one of these little ones.
The Trinity has been well debated on this board and there is much contradiction within the Arian belief that the Watchtower promotes as with Trinitarian views.
The Finger
As we are all sinners how would we stumble somebody by our actions? Surely a false teaching is worse. JW's do not accept Christendom because of the trinity and Christendom doesn't accept JW's as Christian for the same reason. I am mistaken?