I'm sure everyone can come up with their own lists.
Reasons I believe in God:
1. Sex...Greatest thing ever! Thanks for that one.
2. Food...Second greatest thing ever, and food AFTER sex, terrific!
3. Alcohol...Goes well with one and two.
4. Laughter...especially at stupid people and their tricks.
5. Dogs and cats...Dogs and cats are the most amazing animals ever. They've learned to train humans. People say if evolution were true that cats and dogs would evolve thumbs, but why bother when you can train your human slaves to open cans of food for you?
6. The internet. It's probably the height of human ingenuity. There's nothing anyone wants more than to share his unwanted opinions with the whole rest of humanity, play fantasy games and look at porn, so we made a way to do that and eat a sandwich at the same time.
7. Children... If they weren't occasionally so unbelievably cute, humans would be extinct.
8. Nature...I love watching it on the Discovery Channel.
9. Religion and politics...Thanks God for giving us these two things to fight endlessly over. Life would be so boring otherwise.
10. Physics...I don't understand it that well, which proves that there are things that I probably will never completely understand.
Reasons I don't believe in God.
1. Sex....come one, it takes men 5 minutes to get off and women 20 minutes on a good day? If that's God's idea of a joke, well...the women aren't laughing, and men are tired of being blamed.
2. Food...All the food that tastes really great makes you fat, hardens your arteries and rots your teeth. Food that is great for you tastes like crap. Is this another one of those cosmic jokes? because NOT FUNNY! Well, Jenny Craig loves it because it's making them rich, but the rest of us think it sucks.
3. Alcohol...why does something that makes you feel so good make you act like an idiot, have sex with ugly people and then make you puke the next morning? Not impressed.
4. Laughter...only good when no one is laughing at you and your stupid tricks.
5. Dogs and cats...animals that make us occasionally feel like we're not at the top of the food chain..think about it.
6. The internet...There's no place better to make an ass of yourself in front of the rest of humanity. Yes please, brag about how you peed in your bosses coffee on Facebook, that's brilliant.
7. Children...Especially when they're kicking the back of your seat and crying for two straight hours on an airplane. There had to be a better way to procreate than this.
8. Nature...it's full of ticks, mosquitos, and just nasty creatures who want to eat us. If someone can explain to me why God thought we needed mosquitos....can't do it, can you?
9. Religion and politics...yes, like we need two more reasons to kill each other over irrationally held concepts.
10. Physics...too hard for 98% of humans to understand, so what the hell good is it?