Anyone from downunder remember CO/DO Hans hubler or Joe Sleighman????

by karter 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • karter

    I heard Joe and wife are out and rumors about Hubler.

    Joe was the nices't guy around but Hubler was the biggest a***h**l the God chucked guts into.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Never heard of them. When and where were they serving?

  • karter

    Joe Sleighman came from Iran but was in Melborne before he came to NZ in the early 90's, his wife was a Moari.

    Hans Hubler was in Queensland before comming to NZ in the late 80's

  • Keith Agar
    Keith Agar

    Hi Karter

    Joe and his wife are no longer Witnesses

    I heard that they were on the circuit in Western Australia and were housed in a flat attached to a KH whilst they were on holidays

    Joe decided to use the KH library which had a considerable number of early publications.

    He started researching and I was told that he was shocked at what he found. This led to further digging and "that was that" as they say.

  • Black Sheep
  • FadeToGrey

    I remember Joe..

    He was CO when I was a in my earlt twenties.

    He was one of the nicest Co's ive ever met..

    All the last ones we had were real tools..

  • karter

    Fade to grey and keith agar welcome and thanks for the comments.

    Anyone else?

  • karter


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