Facebook: Jehovah's Witness youngsters are vulnerable

by Quillsky 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quillsky

    I'm a benign female that started a few fake Facebook profiles when we were discussing Facebook Jehovah's Witness groups here on JWN and playing with the JW groups.

    What has truly astonished me is how many Jehovah's Witnesses, and mainly youngsters, teens, have wanted to friend me. "Me", the fake me.

    Watch your kids, parents.

    This really is an important finding IMO. One of my fake profiles, a nice pretty non-existent Witness girl, has over 300 young JW friends. Luckily I pose no harm. That's just me.

    For me this is an interesting contrast to my real life facebook profile where I know, lived with, went to school with, worked with, etc, every one of my hundreds of friends.

    With this post I am proposing that young Jehovah's Witnesses, by being told that the internet is evil, are not currently given the tools - communication, knowledge and life skills - to resist predatory people on the internet.

  • asilentone

    can you pm me your name on fb, he he he he

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I have considered doing a fake account to see how many of my Jw friends I could attract pretending to be an elder somewhere or something. I bet I could gather a bunch of them.


  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Free their mind by exposing the borg. They'll either learn not to trust the Internet and avoid it completely or they'll learn the value of furthering their education so as to not be duped by a mind control cult ever again. Looks like you have a great opportunity in front of you.

  • SirNose586
    With this post I am proposing that young Jehovah's Witnesses, by being told that the internet is evil, are not currently given the tools - communication, knowledge and life skills - to resist predatory people on the internet.

    That goes double for dealing with people in general. I always hated those "I did worldly stuff and got hurt because of my actions" stories that they'd use to spook the kids. You shelter some kid his whole life and he won't know how to deal with other people. Even though I've been out for about half a year, there are plenty of things I have yet to figure out. But I keep my guard up as best I can.

  • Quillsky
    You shelter some kid his whole life and he won't know how to deal with other people.

    So true, SirNose.

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