Why is it that JW officials always REFUSE to take part in religious discussion shows like that presented by John Ankerberg? Ia it because they lack deep knowledge of biblical interpretation?
Jw No Shows
by maputo95 8 Replies latest jw friends
Good question because I have seen where 2 elders will go to a local church and discuss their beliefs. But Ankerberg is known to be confrontational and perhaps these elders have negotiated how the presentation will go.
Appearing on a TV show is a way of becoming "part of the world"....???
Good question because I have seen where 2 elders will go to a local church and discuss their beliefs.
I've been out for more than 10 years--did they repeal the 'step foot in a church and your doomed' belief?
They wouldn't want to be in a situation they couldn't control. By confronting householders on their own doorstep, it's a way to keep the leverage.
I would imagine it would be an environment that they, WT, would not be able to control, and we know how they must be in control. They cannot open themselves up to that kind of public scrutiny. I'm sure they would be made to look like fools.
A.Fenderson, the WTS has one set of rules for the elders and another for the rank and file. Always have had. I have known elders (and some "mature" jws) go to weddings at churches as well as funerals. They just keep it under wraps.
It depends on the congregation Blondie. I've been to several church funerals. Some of them I went with my uncle who is the PO. Our family never even discussed whether it was right or wrong, it's not like going to Sunday service. Course now I've done that so, oh well.
Thanks for the comments on my question, all.
I know of at least once JW who has chosen not to go to their grandchild's wedding since it was held in a church--that's pretty hard-core in my book.