New member count displayed on front screen would be so cool.

by goingthruthemotions 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • goingthruthemotions

    when i look at the front page of this site i wish there was a count for new members that joined. i.e. that day, the month or even quartly.

    the jdubs always brag about new members and how many are getting baptized. but, yet they are still under 8 million with probably about half actually attending meetings. 

    i am convince that the jdubs use the low I.Qed jwombies to do there math for's funny  to see the sheeple shake there heads in agreement that more people are joining just like when they say that there website is the most visited "OMG, and they believe it..LOLOLOL".

    but you look around and it's the same old faces. vote is for a new member number counter. it would be so encouraging for all us apostates.

    shalom and remember IT'S A CULT.


  • TTATTelder

    duplicate post

  • EndofMysteries
    I agree, this would be nice.  Would be nice to also maybe see a year by year number of members. I imagine there is more growth here then at the society. 
  • TTATTelder

    My original post was acknowledging that I agree it would be cool to see the surge in members after an event like the Tony Turd disaster (branch visit).


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