Expecting a Brother expected quite Soon...607

by KW13 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • KW13

    I need the 607 thing down perfectly, a respected (son of an elder) i think wants to come see me soon after i mentioned 607 to a sister who works on the ministry with him a lot. I forget things regarding this because i have had a long break, anyone got anything useful they can link me to so i can refresh my memory.

    I mentioned to this sister 607 and all that, and she said she's not good with chronology. I need details!

    On a side note, i mentioned the British Museum and that i contacted a curator there and she said that although the website and the curator claim 586/7, that if i went to see the tablets myself that it'd prove otherwise. Obviously i don't believe that for a second.

    ALSO regarding the Holy Spirit. In 1st Corinthians it says the gifts would cease when that which is perfect arrives, what does this mean? i said i felt it meant Jesus...

  • cantleave
  • bohm

    KW: I recently had that discussion with an elder. Based on that this is what i would recommend:

    First use the KISS method which has been linked here many times. Make him agree that there is no evidence or any archeologists who point towards 607bc, and the borg has no theory of when the various kings ruled.

    Then its time to get scriptual and that is indeed a mess. Jeremiah is really easy to argue over, the other books not so - i would recommend you to begin with the first questions in this letter:


    (if he is ready for it, you might just show him the letter) and here:


    (discussion by a professional linguist)

    The elder i argued with kept painting himself up in a corner, then he would flip-flop on what the scriptures meant and go through WTS puplications really, really quickly untill he found something that agreed with him, and i think that is something you should be prepared for to.

  • Jim_TX
    "... if i went to see the tablets myself that it'd prove otherwise."

    So... I know it's too late to ask this lady, but has SHE actually seen these tablets personally? If not, then how can she argue/discuss that they say what she says?


    Jim TX

  • peaches


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