I come from what I consider to be one of the finest cities on earth. Edinburgh, Scotland.
I love the place. Every day I drive along narrow roads that tourists flock to in the summertime.
Cobbled streets dating back hundreds of years.
My great, great, great, great x4 grandparents have walked the same streets. They have lived & worked here for many, many generations.
But my love is Edinburghs greatest footballing institution - Heart of Midlothian FC.
Us Scots love our football. We have the 2 big Glasgow teams, Rangers & Celtic. Most of their support is made up of glory hunting fair day supporters. On their day either team can get supports of 65 000 people. But they only turn up to see them when they're winning.
The Hearts support is borne out of pure love. The traditions of our ancient footblling institution are beyond compare. We love our club & we are NOT there for success. We are there because our fathers & our fathers fathers were there to support our club for future generations, win, lose or draw.
So whats your football team & why?