I posted on another topic I pitted some hard hosed born againers against some jw's phone numbers and all. well one of the born againers calls me tonight to tell me the jw's are brainwashed. lol so Ilisten to this born againer and he's just as brain washed as the jw's I pitted him against. he's telling me jesus is going to return in less than 5 years and twisting verses about the fig tree. this went on for 3 hours, and I kept telling him he sound no different than the jw's only using a different angle. I was pissing this guy off with his twisting scriptures. he was using matt 24 and the term geeration and applying it to the jewish nation returning in 1948 saying jesus is going to return in one generation. just talking about what a generation means went on for one hour, and me telling him how the jw's have changed the lenght of a generation about 8 times. to fit. and I told him he's just as bad as the jw's twisting verses to make jesus return in his life time. it was interesting and I gave him some AMMO about 1914 since he's going to be talking to the jw's again this week. long story short all this guy wanted was for me to come to his church and agree with him. which i agreed on some points just to not make him feel to bad. the good part is a few of the born agains are going to set up a study with some jw's maybe this week. and of course I agreed to come along and help the born againers out on wt doctrine. It will be a turkey shoot I wipe out the jw's in short order and see if the born againers can keep up with me. they are a little nervous of the jw's after a few phone calls. but I feel it going to be fun I will post updates.
just talked with some born agains
by judge rutherFRAUD 5 Replies latest jw friends
judge rutherFRAUD
this group of born againers are very close to the teaching of jw's about jesus returning anyday now, the 1000 year reign of christ. et they sound like RUSSELLITES in a way , talking about the rapture, what I would call ZIONISM, the rebuilting of the temple in jerusalem any day now, the great tribulation, sign of the times I told them that the TRINITY IS NOT A TOPIC TO TALK ABOUT WITH JW'S and they agreed. I never thought I could get born againers not to talk about the trinity. This guy kept telling me that KING JAMES WROTE THE BIBLE OR TRANSLATED IT for the first time...rofl I spent a half hour going over what in know about the 66 books of the bible and how KING JAMES only copied it from the catholics etc. he did promise to look it up and I told him I will not back down on this even if I have to take him to the public library. He did agree he could be wrong after 30 minutes. I'm just looking forward to when they go one on one with the jw's with me there.
It sounds like you are having 'too much fun'......(LOL)
Tee hee hee. Yknot's right! Hey, is it possible to video it? That could be quite interesting.
Some fundamentalist nut bars I've talked to sound remarkably similar to Witnesses in the sense they are convinced they're right about everything they believe, even though some of it is blatantly unprovable.
Also in their ability to take the Bible completely literally to the point of irrationality.
Jesus riding on a dinosaur kind of stuff. I don't think I could reason with someone who thinks that the Flintstones is a historical documentary.
Some early Christians sharing fellowship, according to young earth creationists.