Question: If I understood correctly, only those who have accepted the message and worked hard to deserve being spared at Armageddon will inhabit the Earth. I would assume all these people to have had very good training at resisting Satan under this system of things. So, I would also assume them to be very capable of resisting Satan. Will we get Satan Reloaded, or what? Who will Satan use as conduits for his mischief: the Just, that is to say, precisely those well trained to resist him?
Say I die tomorrow, and all my entrails, bones, blood and pea brains are squeezed against the pavement, so that no one can pick them up and I'm no good for anything, not even the worms. Jehovah resurrects me and I get a second chance. I am not a witness right now, but I am not stupid, and if I see with my own eyes that you guys were right, would I be so stupid as to give in to Satan? Say I am not resurrected because one of you already made me the terrible evil of coming to my door and giving me notice of what would happen to me; you guys would still be smart enough not to blow it after 999 years of trying.
So this temptation thing doesn't sound too logical, does it?