While listening to the special talk on Sunday the speaker made a statement about something we have all heard a million times: Satan is in control of this system and its governments and is the cause of mankind's ills. But the statement made me think. We all were taught that we are, during this time of the end, proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that man is not capable of guiding his own step, in other words we need God. But could we not as humans legitimately say to God we did not get a fair shot at it since we had this powerful spirit creature hindering us every step of the way?
It seems like a contradiction to say that man cant govern himself and that Satan is in control, if we are not in control than we can not be blamed for not being able to solve our problems. And therefore it seems that the so called question that this is all about who has the right to rule is not a legit one, I just cant reconcile that this God vs. Satan power struggle is what this is all about, that explanation doesn't make since to me. It's like blaming a 3 year old little girl for not being able to defend herself against Bruce Lee.
Am I wrong?