Why is the bible silent on Lazarus?

by Aussie Oz 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    The only fully human man recorded to have been resurected from the dead and the bible says NOTHING.

    The religious leaders of Jesus day were all over people that Jesus 'cured' etc, and the bible records these events. Questioning them, the parents etc.

    But Lazarus? Zip, nada, nothing save the account that he was resurected. What happened to him? why was he and his sisters not questioned? And if they were, why is this not in the bible?

    What would be the WBTS answer to this?

    What is your answer?


  • Lieu

    My answer

    Just read John 11-12 ... the high priests were intending to kill Lazarus but too many in the village (probably the entire village) plus Jews who went there to console the sisters had witnessed what happened for the event to be questioned.

  • blondie

    Maybe he was hiding out because he was on the high priest's hit list. Maybe he had to go into the "witness" protection plan.

    (John 12:1-2) . . .Accordingly Jesus, six days before the passover, arrived at Beth′a·ny, where Laz′a·rus was whom Jesus had raised up from the dead. 2 Therefore they spread an evening meal for him there, and Martha was ministering, but Laz′a·rus was one of those reclining at the table with him.

    (John 12:9-11) . . .Therefore a great crowd of the Jews got to know he was there, and they came, not on account of Jesus only, but also to see Laz′a·rus, whom he raised up from the dead.10 The chief priests now took counsel to kill Laz′a·rus also, 11 because on account of him many of the Jews were going there and putting faith in Jesus.


    Lazarus is the guy that slept for 4 days. He likes his kip and does not take kindly to being woken up. So silence is golden.

  • wobble

    There were other resurrections of course, according to the N.T Jairus' daughter, the young lad that fell from the window 'coz Paul was droning on etc.

    I find it strange that there is no testimony from these people, we would all like to know what their experience was.

    But then if you are writing myths ,you don't feel the need to put in proof.


  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    The recipients of the the greatest mirical you could get and they kept it to them selves... either that or it was lies after all... Why was so much detail put into the accounts of miricals by the apostles and yet not one saw fit to have these peoples testimonies recorded? Sounds a bit suss to me.

    thanks, i had forgotten about the high priests plot too.


  • Blue Grass
    Blue Grass
    I find it strange that there is no testimony from these people, we would all like to know what their experience was.

    You seem to be assuming people have immortal spirits and they experience something when they die. This however is not what the Bible teaches and Jesus himself said Lazarus was sleep. Lazarus had nothing to tell because he didn't experience anything.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    but imagine if the bible recorded those resurected as saying just that... nothing, no light, no experienc

  • TheOldHippie

    If some verses had quoted them as saying "but I saw nothing" - then I am quite sure people today would have said either that this proves they were not REALLY dead, just in some intermediate sate, or that this is just a conspiracy, verses added later because of this or that.

    So it's proof that the resurrection stories are fake that no quotes from the resurrected ones are in the Bible, and it would likewise be proof that the resurrection stories are fake if quotes from the resurrected ones WERE in the Bible ..................

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