Jws don't have emotions and I mean personal emotions,preferences etc.Can't explain it in other words but you get the point.
Lack of Emotions and Originality
by XPeterX 6 Replies latest jw friends
I wouldn't say that is true of all JWs. I do know that I have felt that my mom's emotions r/t death have always seemed very cold to me. I don't know if that has something to do with her beliefs or her mental illness.
There are some JWs who are void of emotion. But there are also JWs who are truly caring and emotional.
Lack of emotion is really part of the brainwashing, isn't it?
We were taught to fear everything, we were taught to rejoice that everyone on earth but US were going to be destroyed in a blazing armeggedon, we were taught to shun beloved ones when they were kicked out of their support group at their very lowest point...
There is little room in those conditions for love or joy of any kind.
Lack of emotion has been very difficult for me. I was born-in to the cult and was taught and believed everything that was put in front of me. I learned to cover any real emotion with only the acceptable ones.
Here I'm 30 years removed from the cult and I still have few highs and lows. I feel like I don't have the emotional connections I should. My parents are still active WBATS cult members, I haven't talked to them in over a year and it doesn't bother me like it should. My wife gets upset about me not talking to my parents, I don't know why?
That is probably shunned because of the fear of something new being labeled as bad. Then the thought or idea producer would have to deal with the fall out of explanation, to an ignorant WBATS cult leader.
you cannot have emotions and survive the organization...it is not possible
Jws don't have emotions and I mean personal emotions,preferences etc.Can't explain it in other words but you get the point.
No. I don't. I don't dispute the fact you might have your reasons for stating so - but you cannot generalise your own experiences to be valid for the enrtire world of JWs.