Kneel down before reading the Watchtower

by Mythbuster 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mythbuster

    *** w64 9/15 p. 574 Experiencing Jehovah's Love ***
    In contrast to the attitude of these elective elders was that of an elderly couple with whom I stayed on the outskirts of Richmond, Virginia. The brother went down to get the mail before breakfast, and when we had breakfast he said, "Brother Riemer, I got a new Watchtower this morning, and do you know the first thing that Ma and I do when we get that Tower? We kneel down before we take the wrapper off and ask Jehovah to make us worthy to see what the message is that Jehovah has for us. Now, before we take the wrapper off, will you kneel down and pray with us?" How different that elective elder was from this humble couple who appreciated Jehovah's organization!

  • mindmelda
  • serenitynow!

    Wow, sounds like idolatry to me!


    We kneel down before we take the wrapper off and ask Jehovah to make us worthy

    to see what the message is that Jehovah has for us. Now, before we take the wrapper off

    , will you kneel down and pray with us?"

    I do the same thing,when I buy a Case of Beer..

    .................... ...OUTLAW

  • leavingwt

    Joseph Lewis:

    Emancipate yourself from these stultifying creeds, and protect your children from the contamination of religion.

    Get off your knees, stand erect, and look the whole world in the face.

    Get all the joy and happiness you can out of life.

  • Perry

    Get all the joy and happiness you can out of life.

    Which can be just another false religion. Idolatry takes many forms.

  • blondie

    I wonder if they knelt down before reading the bible?

    I found from a friend at work, that muslims wash their hands before touching the Koran to read it.

  • Heaven

    One day, they won't be able to get up. I hope they have a service like LifeLine. "Help! We've knelt before Jehovah, and can't get up!"

  • mindmelda

    Oh, man, that's just...sad. Now I'm bummed. Outlaw, pass me a brew, will ya?

  • Chalam

    serenitynow! Wow, sounds like idolatry to me!

    That's because it is! I think these describe what is going on to a tee.

    Romans 1:25 (New International Version)

    25 They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

    Isaiah 44:20 (New International Version)

    20 He feeds on ashes, a deluded heart misleads him;
    he cannot save himself, or say,
    "Is not this thing in my right hand a lie?"

    2 Thessalonians 2:11 (English Standard Version)

    11 Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false



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