I enjoyed this video. It highlights how people DO change their minds. Therefore, while many will not listen, a few may.
Preaching to the Converted is NOT Pointless
by leavingwt 8 Replies latest jw friends
bookmarked for later viewing. Baby just fell asleep and I don't want to wake her. Thanks for sharing though! I can't wait to watch it!
I think about people sitting in a diner with their cup of coffee.
The waitress says, "More?"
There are patrons who sip. Others gulp.
Some add alot of cream and sugar. Others prefer strong and black.
The gulp drinker looks around for a refill.
The sip drinker doesn't.
But, at a certain point, both are open to refill.
It is a matter of timing.
The cream and sugar drinker is going to change the coffee from its natural state no matter what.
The coffee-strong-and-black drinker takes it as it is.
Preachers are the waitress.
The non coffee drinker won't accept the first mug and the refills don't count.
I think Witnesses gain converts by talking to a person when they're vulnerable to what they're preaching in some way.
It works that way for everything, I guess. I would have never listened to political speeches a few years ago, but now I find them interesting, because I'm now much more interested in politics as a non Witness.
I'm much more interested in "process" now.
The art of conveying a thought is fascinating to me.
It is all in how you frame it and the context you establish.
The opponents of an idea reframe the issue and knock the underpinnings out of the other guy's argument by appealing to prejudice and fear.
Remember George Bush creating fear about Terrorists.
Now the Liberals create fear by labeling the Tea Party movement as Racist and dangerous.
The actual "ideas" of each group don't even have to be discussed! You just create the context that eliminates actual discourse and it works!
Nice vid thanks.
Very nice!