We used to run a small plumbing company. If we did a job for someone and it didn't get it fixed or they didn't like it, we always ate it and fixed it for free. Always.
Hey, sometimes, things happen and you just make the customer happy and keep your reputation intact. That company up there...I hope their legs grow together.
Anyway,I once was renting a double wide trailer from a guy who would never fix a thing on it, an out of state landlord. No lease, he rented it month to month, because if he'd had a lease someone could have held HIM to it.
And we lived in a small town were rentals were getting hard to find, and we wanted to live out of town, because we had dogs. This place had plenty of land.
The guy was a jerk, and we ended up replacing the furnace, the water well pump, part of the porch, painting, fixing the roof, all sorts of things for which he'd reimburse us, but then gripe he wasn't making anything because of that!
When we were getting ready to move out because we were sick of a leaking roof, (again), him constantly raising the rent and some other problems (one bathtub was unusable because it had cracked, made of fiberglass and he wouldn't replace it, expected us to) he stuck us with a $2200 LATE FEE. How do you collect late fees on an non-existent lease? The oral agreement was that we'd pay sometime before the end of each month, that was it. Month to month.
He was dumb enough to take us to small claims...the judge took one look at all our canceled checks for rent, plus all the invoices for repaired this and that, which added up to about $5725.00, and our canceled checks for materials, etc. He'd never paid us a DIME for any labor time we'd spent on his place, just materials. We had been given exactly that amount in rent credit that we had receipts for which amounted to about a years worth, we were renting for about 500 a month which he kept raising til it was 625.
Then the judge asked for the lease. His property manager, his niece, said, "We didnt' have one." And the judge looked incredulous, laughed out loud and said, "Case dismissed with prejudice" then explained, not too nicely to the manager that they were not only stupid to bring the suit, they were just damn lucky we hadn't counter sued.
This guy was such a nut that he kept sending us faxes saying mildly threatening things like "You know you owe me that money!" and not signed.
A total nut...Mormon with 15 kids, expected everyone to pay for him raising them on a teacher's salary. Yes, the guy was a teacher. There's a scary thought.