I posted last week how I pitted some born againers against some jw's phone numbers and all. Well after to talking to 3 born againers this evening , after they spoke to some jw's. I was the one put on trial from the born againers. it seems thay have no taste for jw and vis-a versa. but I did get into the king james bible a bit . and the history of how it came about from . and the born agains got so PISSED , that the KJV is really nothing more than a translation of the volgate, geneva bible etc IT was very sad to see the born agains, stating the KJV is from the holy sprit. AND EVERY OTHER BIBLE WAS A WORK OF SATAN... LOL trying to talk to these people was like a jw in REVERSE
by judge rutherFRAUD 3 Replies latest jw friends
Yeah, it seems that the KJV only crowd can be a bit wacky also at times. Some don't even accept the New KJV in spite of it being translated from the same original manuscripts as the original KJV. Those thee's and thou's are important you know? They make it the 'word of God.'
Ask a KJV onlyist if he or she has read and can understand Shakespeare. His plays utilizes the same Early Modern (Elizabethan) English.