I was wondering how many of the sisters on this board had to sit in the back seat while in service. When I was single I almost always used my car and unlike most of the sister who turned over their cars to the brothers to drive and would then take the back seat in THEIR OWN CAR I never did. So I did not have a problem with this being single.
Once I was married it was a different story. I have been in three main halls the one in Brooklyn while I was at Bethel does not really count because we did not use our car in service.
At first I was really hurt. I paid for the car and bought the gas and the men just went to the front and said you woman can sit in the back and talk. I was so Pissed but my husband and everyone just went along with it. After awhile I just accepted it, I told my husband that it brothered me but so what.
The hall we are in now there is an attorney who's wife gives the front seat to 18 and 19 year old boys even. I just find it wrong. OK if it is an older man like this one brother who is in his 80's and has a really bad back yes because the front seat is easy for him to get in and out of. But come one men my age who happen to be elders, etc. It just pisses me off.
So what about you other sisters, what did you do. Go to the back or was it even a problem in the halls you were in. It seems that for it to be like that in three halls for me it is more than just a fluke that it happened to me so much.
Thanks for you thoughts.