Five family members molested by the same J.W. man....conference call tonight

by koolaid-man 4 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • koolaid-man

    Child molestation is running rampant in the Organization. Thousands of Jehovah's Witness children are being sexually abused. The Elders continue to hide the pedophiles and the congregation has no idea that predators are in their midst. one such victim, Emmy, has a big story to tell. Five members of her family were molested by the same man who during some of that time was an elder.Emmys suffering led to self injury, cutting herself to ease the pent up emotional pain. She did give the Elders an ultimatum that by May 1,2010 they come clean and stop hiding her molester or she will go to the proper authorities. Emmy will be our special guest on the Six Screens of the Watchtower conference call, tonight Saturday April 24,2010 at 7p.m.EST. Also on the call we will be discussing this years Memorial attendance. And, early numbers are showing a significant drop from 10 to 30 percent. It's easy to get on the call, just dial (712)432-8710 and when asked for pin use 9925. The lines open at 6:30 p..m.EST and the program starts at 7P.M..EST. So come in early and talk with all of those who have been touched by the tentacles of the Watchtower.

  • flipper

    KOOL-AID MAN- I enjoy all your programs - although this may be one of the most important you've aired . It is of the utmost urgency to get the word out to the public that innocent victims inside the JW cult are being sexually abused and that the cover up of this by the leaders in the Jehovah's Witness organization and their appointed elders continue to occur regularly unckecked. It's just as bad as the Catholic Church- but less known because on the worldwide scene the Witnesses are only 7 million strong- so it doesn't get the media attention the Catholic story does.

    Kudos to you for having Emmy on - and I hope a lot of people listen to this show to be informed . Emmy is not the only JW going to the media about child abuse these days. As I write this many others are doing the same. The more people that courageously do so - the more attention it will draw to hopefully someday stopping this horrid crime against witness childre, and indeed ALL children. Thanks for your show- it's one show I know I'll be riveted to

  • flipper

    BTTT, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • peaches

    the poor kid (s)

  • WTWizard

    It is worse than the Catholic church. At least they are trying to come clean on this difficult subject--and they are trying to do something about it. On the other hand, the witlesses are simply sweeping it under the rug, threatening the victims to shut up about it and bear it. And, I think the witlesses are more likely to molest children because they get a kick out of ruining their lives (which, to me, is absolutely the worst possible reason). They also ruin their lives every other way they can.

    I hope there is a 30% drop in the REJECT Jesus Party attendance from last year--along with a nice fat 30% increase in partakers. Given their numbers of 18 million in 2009, a 30% drop would take it down close to 12 million. And I hope that is reflected in the total membership dropping by 30% off of last year's figures--a 30% drop from 7.3 million would take it down close to 5 million. Even a 10% drop would be good news, but I would like to see it 30%. One thing is sure: I didn't go to inflate the numbers--either in 2009 or 2010.

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