I'm sure you've seen this before, but I still laugh when I see it.
by gubberningbody 6 Replies latest jw friends
I'm sure you've seen this before, but I still laugh when I see it.
I love that video, too, dear GB (peace to you!). When she was a puppy my Chihuahua-Mini Pinscher mix, Liyah (oops, sorry, forgot how to spell my own dog's name!), used to wonder in utter astonishment what was "messing with" her hiney. She would nervously jump up, sniff her rear, then look suspiciously at whoever was near her. As far as she was concerned, "someone" had "tickled" her back there and darn if she wasn't going to catch them in the act!
Who/what was her tormentor? Gas. Yep, she would have silently passed gas but hadn't a clue as to where it came from. All she knew is that something "breezed" her back there. We would watch her jump up in alarm, look around, sniff, give us a "look" and then lay back down, only to go through it two or three times before "it" stopped.
I didn't get it at first until I realized that some events were followed by an odor. Once we figure it out, though, it was hilarious to watch. But we couldn't laugh because she was (is) VERY sensitive and if she thinks you're laughing at her she goes and hides upstairs. So, we would watch these events with straight faces, but DYING to laugh.
Apparently, she eventually figured it out (or came to not care) because she doesn't jump anymore.
SA, on her own... and knowing that dogs (indeed, all animals)... are "people" too!
"If thy left paw offends thee bite it off." - Rover 5:30
Think About It
I suffer from Alien Penis Syndrome.
It just has a mind of it's own!
Three legged dog walks into a bar and yells,
I'm lookin for the man that shot my paw!