I checked the JW website and noticed the "Should You Believe in the Trinity" booklet is gone! I guess the they finally realized just how bad it was.
Is the "Should You Believe in the Trinity" booklet history?
by IwateBuddy 4 Replies latest watchtower bible
Yep it ain't up like it use to be.....in the 'publications' section
It still can be found in via Index and search
thanks for those links. I've been studying with a jw who wanted to talk about the book. I looked up some of the passages, showed him how wrong they were and he took the book back and they pulled it from their website. He won't talk about it now.
Black Sheep
Paganism in Our Christianity By Arthur Weigall, quoted in SYBITT has excerpts at Google Books
I keep a copy of this book is case a Dubbie would like to discuss the Trinity with me.
Book overview
Christian theology, the author asserts, is in part quite acceptable and in part totally unacceptable to the modern mind: such of its doctrines and beliefs as have the genuine authority of the historic Jesus Christ are unassailable and eternal, but those which are based upon the early Christians' interpretation of our Lord's nature and mission are largely untenable. Much of the generally accepted Christian doctrine, the author continues, is derived from pagan sources and not from Jesus Christ at all, a great deal of ecclesiastical Christianity being, indeed, so definitely paganism redressed that one might almost speak of it as the last stronghold of the old heathen gods. Cheers
Christian doctrine, the author continues, is derived from pagan sources and not from Jesus Christ at all,
Um, well.....weren't all the Gentile converts themselves from "pagan sources"?
The brain they brought with them was pagan.
The thoughts they were capable of thinking were pagan.
Why shouldn't they see Jesus and interpret him in a pagan context?
Makes perfect sense Jesus would become what Gentiles could understand.